Saturday, December 28, 2019
My Philosophy of Early Childhood Education Essay - 1427 Words
My philosophy of Early childhood education is based on research that indicates that a child’s growth is developmental. Every child is unique in terms of life experiences, developmental readiness, and cultural heritage. A high quality early childhood program that provides a safe and nurturing environment, which promotes physical, social, emotional, language and cognitive development will ensure a positive continuation of the child’s education process In my philosophy I will talk about the goals of teaching and ways to accomplish them. Also I will describe how I feel about public education, what kind of teacher is the best,how young children learn and develop,how best i plan to teach them and what school system works the best because of†¦show more content†¦I remember my favorite teacher vividly even though I sat in her class many years ago. I have so many fond memories of her and took so much from her class. I can only dream of touching a child’s life in the way my favorite teacher touched mine. For just one student to think of me in the same way would make all the years of hard work worth the effort. I also want my students achieve many accomplishments. I want them to use and remember what they have learned in my class. I also want them to have a broad spectrum of knowledge. I want each student to do their best and go as far as they can. I want them to feel a sense of accomplishment and be proud of themselves. I want to be the teacher who is encouraging, supportive, and pushes her students to be their best. I hope that when I am a teacher that the kids will learn from me that learning can be fun and not a task. That there is so much to learn about that you should never be bored with learning. If they leave my class room knowing about that and the curriculum needed to succeed in my particular grade and subject. Than I accomplished everything that I wanted to. Public education is the most important form of education. It provides people with the common ability of social skills. Which can not be replaced with home school. Home school does not provide the amount of people and the situations that are presented to you at a public school. Some would argue that private school is betterShow MoreRelatedMy Personal Philosophy On Early Childhood Education1117 Words  | 5 Pagesconstructing my Child Development Associate, my personal philosophy about early childhood education was vague despite all the experience I have accumulated over the years. I had never really sat down and put much thought into my own philosophy. 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Friday, December 20, 2019
Early Italian Renaissance Art Essay - 1475 Words
The artistic theme in which an artist depicts the Virgin Mary with Jesus Christ as a child is known as the ‘Madonna and Child’. This depiction has its roots in Early Christian art due to the iconic roles that Christ and Mary play in the Christian religion (Dunkerton 37). The ‘Madonna and Child’ has had a place in many of the early periods and traditions of art. Religious themes were able to command such a strong presence in the history of art due to their role as devotional aides in churches and other religious buildings (Dunkerton 27). Religious art was well maintained by religious orders and churches, and many patrons throughout early history were tied to the Catholic Church. In the 1400s, religious artwork continued to play a prominent†¦show more content†¦The four saints that surround her are Saint Bernardino, Saint Mark, Saint Louis of Toulouse, and Saint Jerome (National Gallery of Ireland: Essential Guide). The depiction of these particular s aints allows one to grasp an understanding of who might have commissioned the work. Patrons played a significant role in the outcome of a particular piece, and often had certain things included or excluded based on preference. In this case, the fact that two of the saints are of the Franciscan order suggests that it may have been painted for this particular religious order (National Gallery of Ireland: Essential Guide). Furthermore, the presence of the saints around the Virgin Mary in a relatively informal manner is known as sacra conversazione, which was a relatively popular image in the 15th century (Brenner, Robyn, and Debra 7). Machiavelli utilized tempera, a medium for painting that was common up until the 1500s when it was replaced by oil paint (Dunkerton 192). Wood was used as the surface for painting and this was also a common feature of the time (Dunkerton 152). In general, the piece exhibits features that were common during the renaissance, but also possesses many medieval or gothic characteristics. For example, the depiction of Mary as unnaturally large in relation to the other saints, deviates from naturalism, but signifies her importance in regard to thoseShow MoreRelatedEarly Italian Renaissance Art: Florentine vs. Sienese Art2288 Words  | 10 Pagesreligion brought about an increase in the production of art. The creation of artworks became an esteemed industry, and artists gained more respect in the eyes of Italian citizens. Typically, most of the art that was produced was religious in nature, and was seen as a mechanism for visually representing faith in a more tangible manner. During this dynamic period, artistic styles began to change as well. A transition from medieval, Byzantine art to a more naturalistic, humanistic style occurred in ItalyRead MoreThe Renaissance in Art Essay957 Words  | 4 PagesRenaissance Art When the new upper class movement, Renaissance, occurred in Italy around the 14th century, a revival of the classical forms originally developed by the ancient Greeks and Romans, an intensified concern with secular life, and interest in humanism and assertion of the importance of the individual began. Thus, artists such as Mosaccio and Giotto depicted art that unlike the Middle Ages, showed emotions, feelings, and bright colors, thus demonstrating the deep concern for naturalismRead More Italian Renaissance Arts Affect on Todays Culture Essay921 Words  | 4 PagesItalian Renaissance Arts Affect on Todays Culture World History Many of us today have things in our culture that we appreciate without thinking about where they have come from. The things we enjoy so much could be from another culture, and even another place in time. This document will explore the influence of Italian Renaissance art on todays civilization, which has greatly changed the art of today. The Renaissance was a time period that began in the early 1300s and lasted into the 1600sRead MoreEssay about Italian and Northern European Renaissance758 Words  | 4 PagesItalian and Northern European Renaissance The Italian and Northern Europe Renaissances were both an important mark in history by changing the ideals of life, thought, culture, and art of the people’s of this time. In this paper I will explain the motive for change in these cultures, including the similarities and differences of the two cultures. 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The lateRead MoreArt Of The Renaissance : Questions And Vocabulary1283 Words  | 6 PagesAssignment 12.5 (Art in the Renaissance) Assignment- Questions and Vocabulary Terms: Giotto, Masaccio, Botticelli, Perspective, Guild, Artisan, Apprentice, Patron, High Renaissance, Pope Julius II, Michelangelo, Northern Renaissance, madrigal. 1) Giotti di Bondone (1266-1337) was an Italian artist and architect from Florence in the very late Middle Ages. He is considered to be one of the most important artists in Italy because he contributed greatly to the Renaissance style of painting and art in generalRead MoreRenaissance And The Italian Renaissance1396 Words  | 6 PagesThe Italian Renaissance had two distinct periods during its lifetime. The first being the â€Å"Early Renaissance†, which took place between the late 13th and the early 14th centuries. The second period was known as the â€Å"High Renaissance†, which took place during the 15th and 16th centuries. These two periods had very distinct foundations and styles behind the art and architecture of their respective periods. The Early Renaissance revived many old themes which later became the foundations for the HighRead MoreTaking a Look at the Italian Renaissance690 Words  | 3 Pages What did art represent in the Italian Renaissance? Explain the significance of the art in the Renaissance - using examples. Choose one of the artists from each of the eras of the Italian Renaissance: Early Renaissance 1330 -1450 → Donatello, Brunelleschi, Masaccio High Renaissance 1450 - 1500 → Piero della Francesca, Michelangelo, Leonardo Da Vinci Late Renaissance 1500 - 1700 → Raphael, Titian, Carlo Maderno, Artemisia Gentileschi Take notes on the contributions that the artist made to:Read MoreThe Italian Renaissance Essay772 Words  | 4 PagesThe Italian Renaissance Throughout history many art movements have emerged that artists and styles are classified under. One large contributing movement over the time period from about 1450 to about 1600 was known as the Italian Renaissance. However, what a large portion of people do not realize is that the Italian Renaissance was actually two main movements during that period of time. Each movement had key artists and a variation in style from the other movements. These two movementsRead MoreFlorence Was The Birthplace Of The Italian Renaissance898 Words  | 4 PagesThe Italian Renaissance was a period in history unlike most others; this was an era of ingenuity, expansion, and enlightenment that would revolutionize both society as the people of the Renaissance knew it to be, and as the future generations of individuals across the globe understand it today. Florence held itself out to be the birthplace of the Italian Renaissance, yet the people of this renaissance era never lost sight of the Greek and Roman heritage. The following essay will discuss the varying
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Compensations and Benefits
Question: Compensation plans usually include a variety of benefits. Name the three benefits that would be most important to you as part of your personal compensation package. Why? Answer: The three compensation plans that would be most beneficial are: Retirement savings After an employee retires, the regular income comes to a halt. If some of the compensation were towards retirement, it would be beneficial for the employees (Budhwar, Debrah, 2013). Bonus and incentives Bonus and incentives act as motivation. If the employees will get the recognition for their work, they will work harder (Ulrich, 2013). Health benefits Good heath will result good input at work. Once the organization will look after the health of the individuals, the production rate of the organization will also increase accordingly. References Budhwar, P. S., Debrah, Y. A. (Eds.). (2013).Human resource management in developing countries. Routledge. Ulrich, D. (2013).Human resource champions: The next agenda for adding value and delivering results. Harvard Business Press.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Based Information Systems In Organization †Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Whats The Difference Between Information Systems (IS) And Information Technology (IT)? Answer: Introducation The computer plays a significant role in the computer based information system (CBIS). This system contents following elements. Hardware: Machinery is referred to the terminal device. The computer itself included this category, which is known as CPU, and its different types of supporting equipment. There are different devices for input and output purposes. Software: It refers to the programs in the computer that supports them to work. These programs are readable by the instructions of the machine that helps the system to connect with the hardware components of the Computer Based Information System (CBIS)1. Data: The Data are the factors that are covered by the program to run its critical and vital information. Procedures: These are the strategies that mainly help the operating of a computer system. It was from the late of the sixties of the last century when it was funded by the defense of US. Later it is taken by the IT industry and use it in every sphere of life. Information on technology is the industrial use to store information or data. Section 1 gives the introduction of the sections, and section 2 shows the analysis of work done in the total field. Part 3 illustrates the impact of information technology on the society this far, and it's heading to the future. Information systems: It is a broad term used to the systems, the people and the processes are designed to create, store, distribute, control and advertising information. The field of IS connects business along with the computer science. The reason for the people to not differentiate between IS and IT is that it creates a perception of all the IS are computer-based systems[1]. An IS, can be very simple. The components that are used are mainly tools that are combined; the system is created for collecting the other information. Altogether the information systems are entirely dependent on the computer systems and the other technology-based gadgets. Information Technology: Information technology comes within the IS category and delivers the skills within the systems. IT is defined as the study, implementation, design, and support of computer-based information systems[2]. IT includes software, hardware, databases, and networking. Information technology often focuses on developing technology, and it is improving its functions to improve and achieve the overall business objectives. Why should you learn about IS and IT? For developing creative and innovative ideas, one can study about information systems. It helps in many fields like government, business, and non-profit organizations. It can be considered in an undergraduate course and also in postgraduate level at business schools[3]. The salary in this field is the highest in any professions. IT allows the organizations to survey the various systems such as financial services, healthcare, hospitality and other sectors. References Bajdor, P. and Grabara, I., 2014. The Role of Information System Flows in Fulfilling Customers' Orders. Journal of Studies in Social Sciences,7(2). Bloom, N., Garicano, L., Sadun, R. and Van Reenen, J., 2014. The distinct effects of information technology and communication technology on firm organization.Management Science,60(12), pp.2859-2885. Isberg, V., Mordalski, S., Munk, C., Rataj, K., Harpse, K., Hauser, A.S., Vroling, B., Bojarski, A.J., Vriend, G. and Gloriam, D.E., 2015. GPCRdb: an information system for G protein-coupled receptors.Nucleic acids research,44(D1), pp.D356-D364. Schwalbe, K., 2015.Information technology project management. Cengage Learning. [1]. GPCRdb: an information system for G protein-coupled receptors.Nucleic acids research,44(D1), pp.D356-D364. [2] Schwalbe, K., 2015.Information technology project management. Cengage Learning. [3] Bloom, N., Garicano, L., Sadun, R. and Van Reenen, J., 2014. The distinct effects of information technology and communication technology on firm organization.Management Science,60(12), pp.2859-2885.
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