Monday, September 30, 2019
Prison Environment Essay
 The prison environment could be define as a place to help persons convicted of crimes change their way of lifestyle, if it is a problem and serve out their sentence. The prison discussed in my readings is an environment where anyone from the cook to the janitor could influence someone to make a change in their thinking and their actions. What was once ran like a country under dictatorship, has now become a place where inmates are treated with respect and dignity. The environment of a prison is leaning more to a nurturing way of dealing with the inmates versus a clad iron system. Institutional management and custody are influenced by the constant growing population and the rise of gangs in the system. If there was less turnovers of correction officers in the prison the culture could possibly be change. Secure custody methods play an important role in the prison environment. Secure custody methods are how personnel keep a count of the inmates, keep them safe from one another as wel l as keeping order in the prison. A few of the methods used are; the count which is when personnel count the inmates to make sure that all are accounted for. During this process there is minimum to no activity until the task is complete. Another method is the sally port. This is basically two gates that can’t be opened at the same time. It operates by a person passing through the first gate in order for the next gate to open. Lastly, prison rules and contraband control are the other secure methods. Prison rules are likely broken on a consistent basis so that method of securing is probably not that efficient. The high count of gang members, more than likely play a large role in prison rules being broken as well as contra band being smuggled into the prison. The prison environment has improved over the years, but there is still room for improvement. The methods used to secure the facility should be revised. By revising these methods chances are the prisons will began to make a change towards the better.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Healthy Eating
Bab 1: Dunia Melalui Deria Kita B6 D1 E1 Technological devices which are suitable for overcoming the limitations of sight and hearing Microphone Microphone make sound louder and clearer . We often use it when we giving informations at busy and noisy place Hearing Aids Hearing aids can be defined as any devices that amplify the acoustic signal to a degree that enable individuals with hearing loss to use their remaining hearing in a use ful and efficient manner Stethoscopes Helps doctors to detect lung, stomach and the soft heartbeats of patients .The listener can hear normal and abnormal respiratory, cardiac, pleural, arterial, venous, uterine, fetal, and intestinal sounds. Telescope To see far objects such as stars and planets. Besides that, it consists of two convex lenses ( eyepiece lens) Binoculars Provide stereoscopic vision of distant objects for seeing tiny object . A pair of identical telescope mounted side by beside in the same direction allowing the viewer to use both eyes w hen viewing distant objects. Ultrasound scanning device To scan and see the fetus a pregnant mother .Shaped like microphone is pressed against the area being scanned . It also send out very high frequency sound waves into the area being scanned. Technological Devices To Overcome Limitations Of Sight Microscope Instrument to magnify objects such as virus and cell . To see object that are too small to the naked eyes Magnify glass To magnify tiny objects appear larger than the original shaped. The convex lens use to produce magnified image of an object . It also called a hand lens in lab context . The limited magnifying power -10 to 15 timX-rays X-rays can also be used to detect the condition of certain organs or detect of bones. In medical X-rays . The X-rays penetrate the internal soft body tissues and form images on a film which can be examined by a radiologist Limitation of Sight & Hearing Introduction Humans have sight and hearing limitation. Without any devices, our sight and hea ring was limited. Limitations of sight can be overcome by using appropriate optical devices such as microscope, telescope . The range of frequency of hearing is 20Hz and 20000Hz.Hearing loss can occur at any age, but most often affects individuals that are between the ages of sixty –five . Following have been identified as causes for hearing loss, a built up of ear wax, hereditary and degenerations . Doctors have been able to attribute some forms of hearing loss to inner ear nerve damage that can be caused by overexposure to loud environments. Hearing limitations can be overcome by using appropriate hearing aids such as stethoscope ,megaphone, microphone ,earphone, headphone and others . All of these devices help us to make our life easier. Healthy Eating Having a healthy balanced diet affects every aspect of your health and appearance. Noticeable signs of an unhealthy diet are dull, weak hair; poor gum and teeth health, and weight gain. An unwholesome diet can also cause chronic illnesses such as diabetes, high cholesterol, and heart disease. Being conscious of what you eat through out the day will provide you with the energy and nutrients required to survive and stay healthy. You should eat a variety of foods from every food group to get the essential vitamins and minerals for optimal health.The major food groups are grains, which includes breads and pasta; meat and legumes, such as fish, nuts, and beans; fruits and vegetables including green leafy vegetables and sweet potatoes; dairy products, such as milk and yogurt; and healthy fats and oils. The goal here is to focus not on dieting, but on a healthy approach to eating. If you keep up with your conscious healthy eating habits, as time goes on you will also start to see a change i n your weight. Even just losing as little as five percent of body weight can improve your blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar levels.Eat what you love, and love what you eat. Learn how to get in touch with your hunger. No one eats perfectly all the time, but when you start to pay attention to the taste of food, you can be satisfied with out going overboard. You can eat everything you want still but do it in a moderation. You can choose to have one or the other. For example, if you want to have dessert then don't have a glass of wine. If you happen to be craving french fries from McDonalds go for it! Skip the hamburger and the McFlurry.You don't need to deprive yourself with the food that you love. DeLuca 2 Many people hear the word diet and may get discouraged and think they cant do it because they don't like healthy foods and it just doesn’t work for them. Really to have a good diet is to just balance out your calories so you can just indulge in one or the other, wh ile still keeping you sane with your cravings. Healthy eating is not a diet. It means making changes you can live with and enjoy for the rest of your life. Diets are temporary because you give up so much when you diet.After you stop dieting you may also over treat yourself to make up for what you have missed. Eating a healthy, balanced variety of foods is far more satisfying. Other than balance and moderation a change to healthier eating also helps you learn about variety. Be adventurous and try different foods. For example, don't reach for an apple every time you choose a fruit. Eating a variety of foods each day will help you get the nutrients you need. Another big problem that many folks seem to struggle with is to have a big full breakfast in the morning.Maybe your tired or busy, it can even be that you might just not have enough time for that. What many people may not know though is that eating fully in the morning will give you energy for the day and by bed time you will have it worked out. After taking pleasure in your tremendous breakfast, after a couple hours its only normal to start to feel hungry again so you will go and look for something to snack on. Snacking is not bad, its actually quite good! You can enjoy your favorite clean eats with out guilt all day.Just space them out. If you love high calories foods such as nuts, dairy, peanut butter, etc. you can eat it all! Spacing out meals keeps your metabolism high which means you will continuously burn calories, keep your blood sugar levels stable, and your stomach and mind satisfied. DeLuca 3 Having a busy week schedule may also be another reason as to why some people don’t get the healthy nutrients that they need, because you just don’t have enough time to eat. Well if your constantly on the go then you need to get your energy somehow.You can prepare healthy meals the night before hand and keep them in containers that you can take on the go with you the next day. You can also pack nu ts and fruit to bring to the office so you can snack, because remember its a good thing to do. After a long hard work week, or an exhausting week with school or your children its only normal to throw a few back! When going out for cocktails you should always keep in mind the calorie benefits with your alcoholic beverages. As you should know some beverages are better than others calorie wise.You can pick a red wine over a sugar infested margarita and you can also swap the dark liquored drinks for the light. Just a few small changes like this can go a long way. We all need a little discipline in our lives. So all in all remember that conscious healthy eating is not dieting. The small moderation changes, the variety, and the balance of healthy eating will give you a longer healthier life with out making huge drastic changes that puts a burden on your normal everyday life. If you start these small changes today, you are going to be happier with yourself and how you feel in the long run.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Tranquility of a Cemetery
As we come in to a cemetery, we might be filled with fears or have some sort of dreadful feeling. Our first impression may be of dark cold nights and ended lives. What is a scary and dreadful place for some people; it is a very meaningful place for me. This place is so meaningful to me because my father is buried there. Cemeteries are important to bringing perspective and serenity, because they bring us a connection to where we came from, it helps us realize the tenderness of life, and they help us to relax a little bit through their calmness. I have had so many things impact my life and they all seem to end up in the same place. Cemeteries are not the dreaded and scary things of superstitions. They are holding places for memories and faith. The memories I hold from Bellevue memorial park are not from within the place itself but from the people it holds. It helped me realize the delicacy of life by taking many people I loved before I expected them to go. My father is buried in my most meaningful place; my grandma and one of my uncles are there too. The day we buried my dad it was a beautiful day outsides, it was nice and sunny although it looked like it was going to rain. As I entered the cemetery I saw tombstones piled up from left to right and right to left , there’s was people buries in every direction. On one corner there are tombstones dated as far back as the 1800’s, those are the oldest tombs. Then there’s a section as you are coming in to the cemetery, called the mausoleum. As you go in there it’s very quiet, but the smell of the mausoleum is the same smell of a rotting piece of meat. As you approach to the middle section of the cemetery there is the baby section. This section is always filled with balloons flowers and all kinds of decorations, for their birthdays or special occasions. This is the saddest section of the whole cemetery because you always see at least 1 mother crying to their dead child. In the older sections of the cemetery there where caskets coming out the ground, you could see that since they have been there too long the dirt has pushed them out. I walked around the whole cemetery and I felt sad for all f these people that have lost their lives in accidents, crimes, or just health problems. I kind of felt like I was in fear of losing my life too, because I was surrounded by death. As we approached to the section where my father was going to be buried, it smelled like fresh flowers and plants, but if u smelled deep enough there was a humid smell in the air of the rotting corpses underneath the ground I was stepping on. I’ve been at this ce metery three times and as close as I can remember it felt the same. I felt scared, anxious; my heart beat was accelerating as we were getting closer to putting my loved ones underground. The grass was green and freshly cut; it seemed as if they had just cut it for this occasion. Every time I go to the cemetery I’m not scared anymore I feel peaceful, when you go there you get relaxed because it’s very quiet, there is no sound in sight all u can hear is the static in your ears. Also it’s hard to explain the emotions you get as you enter a cemetery; you feel sad, scared, anxious lots of mixed emotions. One thing I remember the most is the feeling of knowing that once my dad was going underground I was never going to see him again all I was left with was his memory and his tomb.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Statistical critique Statistics Project Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Statistical critique - Statistics Project Example The use of time use surveys as a statistical tool in this kind of research was very appropriate since time expenditure is a good indicator of work intensity and therefore allowed the researcher to effectively investigate the human activities and behavioral patterns. Programme) provided the author with the best national data set regarding time use. There is however a serious concern regarding the use of statistical observations that were recorded prior to 1970s particularly in countries that were once part of the former Soviet Union. This is primarily because most of these countries had not developed elaborate family policies until after 1970s. Another potential limitation of using MTUS in the research was the fact that the scale used is not sufficiently precise to accurately measure the time spent on particular tasks since it only record data on a range of between 55% and 95%. Page 1492, first paragraph under â€Å"Measures†: the researcher chose to only use the heavily performed tasks such as housework and cooking time as the dependable variables during statistical analysis of the data in the study. The significance of the author’s choice of variables was based on the fact that they were universally performed in all the countries under the survey and were generally gender specialized. The other statistical variables such as child care time were considered to be less significant as compared to housework and cooking time. The author primarily focused on the major domestic chores that are in some areas regarded as female household chores. Although this was fairly appropriate, the researcher should have made a clear distinction between the daily chores and the other non daily routines to ensure the accuracy of the statistics. Additionally it would also be appropriate if the researcher highlighted some of the distinctions between high schedule tasks
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Relationship Between Entrepreneurship and Innovation Essay
Relationship Between Entrepreneurship and Innovation - Essay Example The present research has identified that entrepreneurship is the act of taking a risk to offer at a fee for a product or a service to the market in order to make an income. The process of entrepreneurship involves identification of a problem and formulation of a workable solution to counter the problem. Innovation is the means by which something is conducted in a unique manner or differently. The two concepts are much related to entrepreneurs rely on innovation as a tool to help him provide a product or a service in the market. Innovation might employ the use of technology that entrepreneurs exploit to offer what they have to sell to the community. In the process of conducting a business as an entrepreneur challenges arise in each step of the way. Innovation helps entrepreneurs solve such challenges in a clever way that helps them stay afloat. Entrepreneurs calculate a risk and minimize it using innovations. The tool is applied in adapting to new market trends where the most innovati ve entrepreneur always remains relevant in the business even after the introduction of new products into the market. There is a more direct relationship between innovation and the performance of an individual or an organization considering them in an entrepreneurial context. The quality of service delivery and products are directly linked to the two subjects under discussion. When there is innovation, the individual or organization experiences a competitive advantage over his peers in the industry. It is easier for an organization to take informed steps and well-calculated risks with the application of innovation as a tool in delivering a product or a service. When the two relationships are good on an organizational or individual basis there are increased benefits from an increased market share, ROI (return on investment), new products, fast-mover advantage on products and the overall firm success.
Observational Studty Survey Research Statistics Project
Observational Studty Survey Research - Statistics Project Example However, more research or more information should be provided in this area of study in an effort to come up with preventive and control measures in addition to improvement and development programs on smoking cessation and anxiety disorders. Despite the fact that smoking has been identified as one of the leading health hazards, more that 21% of the population of United States still continue with the habit of smoking. High smoking prevalence rates have been observed among people with psychiatric disorders such as anxiety. Despite this realization, researches on the correlation between smoking and anxiety continue to receive less attention among researchers in comparison to other psychiatric conditions commonly witnessed with tobacco intake. This paper with the use of already existing literature, critically examines the correlation between anxiety and tobacco and nicotine dependence/use. To achieve this, the paper is based on a survey conducted by students from Pierce College and CSUN. Following the limitations on the extent of the researches carried out on the same issue, the paper had to include other reviews in addition to the survey and borrowed information from already conducted studies (Billings and Moss, 1998). The data on the correlation between smoking and anxiety has proved to be inconsistent depending on the smoking stage of the subject being investigated. Some of the evidences from different researches are in support of the notion that anxiety increases the smoking initiation risks. This includes a research conducted by Patton on adolescents which indicates that anxiety symptoms predicted and initiated smoking experiments among peers which in the long run increased the chances of such teenagers growing up to be daily smokers (Billings and Moss, 1998). There are several factors that have been observed to influence the relationship
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
CULTURAL DIVERSITY IN THE MEDIA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
CULTURAL DIVERSITY IN THE MEDIA - Essay Example Globalization, which â€Å"denotes the expanding scale, growing magnitude, speeding up and deepening impact of transcontinental flows and patterns of social interaction,†2 implies the intermingling of people from different culture and race, which makes it necessary that there is a mutual respect for each other’s cultural or racial differences, for peaceful coexistence. The term cultural diversity is exemplified by UNESCO (under Article I of Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity) as, Culture takes diverse forms across time and space. This diversity is embodied in the uniqueness and plurality of the identities of the groups and societies making up humankind. As a source of exchange, innovation and creativity, cultural diversity is as necessary for humankind as biodiversity is for nature. In this sense, it is the common heritage of humanity and should be recognized and affirmed for the benefit of present and future generations.3 Cultural diversity, which in simple terms, means respecting existing cultural differences amongst various society members, can be expressed through different channels, the most potent route in this era of information and technology, being the public news media (like Internet, newspaper, radio, or TV).4 Through the news media, diverse cultural groups are able to air their opinions, and able to relate to other members with same cultural values, or even reach out to people who are not a part of their culture. However, cultural diversity in media is much dependent on the way a country’s government frames its democratic and cultural polices, and the manner in which media groups handle the issue of freedom of expression. In this context, the article first studies the importance of culture and cultural diversity within a state democracy, then examines the two cultural diversity models that exist in terms of news media,5 and lastly the model implemented in US news media
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Physical Activity intervention Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Physical Activity intervention - Essay Example A search of the references used in related studies shall also be conducted in order to consider related studies. Related studies shall then be set aside and critically assessed based on relevance in this study. In a paper by Nelson,, (2010), the authors sought to come up with recommendations on the various kinds and amounts of physical activity required in order to improve and maintain the health of older adults. The study covered respondents who were skilled in public health, behavioral science, epidemiology, exercise science, and gerontology (Nelson,, 2010). The authors reviewed evidence from various articles and came up with recommendations from the American College of Sports Medicine and the American Heart Association in order to structure a final recommendation for physical activity among older adults. After reviewing evidence from the ACSM and the AHA, the authors came up with their recommendations for older adults, including: recommended intensity of physical activity based on older adult’s fitness; recommended activities are those which maintain or increase flexibility; and activities which improve balance are also recommended (Nelson,, 2010). The author s also recommended that an activity plan which integrates preventive and therapeutic recommendations should also be conceptualized. In effect, physical activity for adults is recommended to focus on moderate intensity aerobic activity, muscle strengthening activities; and activities which minimize sedentary habits and those which reduce risk for falls and injuries (Nelson,, 2010). Based on the ACSM, (1998) the combined frequency, intensity, and duration of chronic exercise can effectively create a training effect. These factors all contribute to the overload stimulus and the lower the stimulus, the lower the training impact, and the higher the stimulus, the higher the training impact (Pollock,
Monday, September 23, 2019
Business policy-strategic management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Business policy-strategic management - Essay Example Internet ticketing is another long-term objective in the strategy of Southwest airline. It arranges its bookings online for its reliable customers to save time and the hassle involved in seat reservations. This long-term objective seeks to make it continue to run its resources efficiently and ensure a stringent approach based on qualitative customer participation and estimated future occurrences. Southwest airlines seek to have extended operations (ETOPS) documentation to fly over water. They already have an airplane to achieve this goal, and just need appropriate documentation to start their services in Hawaii. The airline plans to adopt a new seating arrangement that has a new design and more row seats. This will help it generate additional revenue. The seating arrangement will be adopted in several airplanes, and customers are already showing their satisfaction in the new development. Another long-term objective that involves safety is to provide Ramp Employees in its system with hands-free wireless headsets. This is in the quest to make it possible for pilots and the ground crew to communicate and synchronize the push back of planes from open space gates in an efficient manner. The airline seeks to improve its fuel efficiency in the coming years. It seeks to achieve this through power conservation on the ground, development of optimum cruising speeds in order to cut down emissions. Next generation fuel-efficient jets seek to replace their traditional aircrafts (Panchuk,
Sunday, September 22, 2019
ORGANIZATIONAL SUCCESS Essay Inadequate skills is present if the problem is the employee’s lack of certain skills, a supervisor should see that the employee gets the necessary training. Talent management is the automated end-to-end process of planning, recruiting, developing, managing, and compensating employees throughout the organization. Lisa needs to set up a mentoring and coaching programs that will advises, counsels, and guides her current employees. Both coaching and mentoring skills are needed for appraising employees, but appraising and assessing refer to rating an employee. While employers have long managed their talent without computerized systems, talent management today is usually information technology–based. Several software providers offer specialized talent management suites. The suites include and integrate underlying talent management components such as e-recruiting, e-training, performance reviews, and rewards. For example, talent management software includes e-recruiting software, employee performance management, a learning management system, and compensation management. Among other things, this program relieves the stress of writing employee performance reviews by automating the task and ensures that all levels of the organization are alignedâ€â€all working for the same goals (Dessler, 2011).†Lisa and the CFO have sufficiently investigated whether training is really called for through the control process. A manager should continuously gather information about each employee’s performance. This is an ongoing activity, not something the supervisor saves to do when filling out appraisal forms. Ways to gather information include keeping regular performance records (such as a work team’s output or the customer calls handled by each employee), saving customer notes of complaint or praise, writing a summary whenever an employee is observed doing something exceptional, and encouraging employees to keep track of their accomplishments. This record keeping may seem time-consuming, but it is essential. Lisa and other supervisors need to make sure employees know and understand what is expected of them. To do this, they should make sure that objectives for the employees are clear, and he or she should communicate them effectively. Employees are most likely to understand and be committed to objectives when they have a say in developing them. More and more firms now require that supervisors and employees together set mutually acceptable performance goals. Hospitality Skills/Training Guide for Valet Attendant Set your property apart from the competition with this excellent job-specific training program for valet attendants. This binder is divided into 6 tabbed sections: This guide provides the basis of a six-day training course for new employees and current employees. The Employee Knowledge tab includes: †¢Quality Guest Service †¢Bloodborne Pathogens †¢Personal Appearance †¢Emergency Situations †¢Lost and Found †¢Recycling Procedures †¢Safe Work Habits †¢Manager on Duty †¢Your Propertys Fact Sheet †¢Employee Policies †¢The Americans with Disabilities Act Employee Skill tab contains: †¢Follow the Propertys Valet Posting Positions †¢Maintain Clear Drive-up/Drop-off Area †¢Welcome Guests and Offer Assistance †¢Load and Transport Luggage Using Luggage Cart †¢Valet Park Guest Vehicles †¢Retrieve Vehicles That Have Been Valet Parked †¢Provide Storage for Guest Luggage †¢Assist With Luggage for Group Arrivals and Departures †¢Use the Guest Information Directory †¢Prepare Maps and Provide Directions †¢Arrange for Services Requested by Guests †¢Handle Guest Service Problems †¢Arrange for or hail Taxis for Guests †¢Arrange Limousine Services †¢Provide Courtesy Transportation †¢Report Vehicle Accidents †¢Clean the Drive-up, Entrance, Valet Stand, and Luggage Carts †¢Assist Guests at Check-out †¢Respond to Situations Requiring First Aid †¢Handle Cash Payment and Tips †¢Assist in Rooming Guests †¢Assist Guests During Room Changes The Hotel Paris’s competitive strategy is â€Å"To use superior guest service to differentiate the Hotel Paris properties, and to thereby increase the length of stay and return rate of guests, and thus boost revenues and profitability.†HR manager Lisa Cruz must now formulate functional policies and activities that support this competitive strategy by eliciting the required employee behaviors and competencies. References: Dessler, G. (2011). Human Resource Management. (13 Ed.).Upper Saddle River,NJ: Prentice Hall
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Study On Gandhis Leadership Styles History Essay
Study On Gandhis Leadership Styles History Essay This essay gives an overview of various leadership types and its main focuson the situational leadership. It attempts to explain the situational leadership process with an example of Mohan Das Karamchand Gandhi as a situational leader. It further explores the attributes that Mahatma Gandhi as a situational leader possesses. The essay also tries to find out various effects of situational leadership. While mentioning the positive effects of the situational leadership, it also investigates the dark side of the situational leadership. After reading the essay the readers are expected to have gained enough familiarity with this kind of leadership and at the end of the essay. Any type of organisation, country or political party runs successfully when it is piloted by a skillful and influential leader. While leaders motivate their followers, it is not the only thing leaders can do. A good leader can structure the organisation in the way he wants. He represents the culture of the organization and most importantly, it has been observed that effective leaders posses a capacity to increase the productivity of the organization. Various scholars categorize leadership styles in a different way. Lewin (1939) classifies leadership styles in three categories: Autocratic Leadership, Democratic Leadership and Delegative (Laissez-Faire) Leadership. Mohandas Gandhi was born in the western part of British-ruled India on October 2, 1869. A timid child, he was married at thirteen to a girl of the same age, Kasturbai. Following the death of his father, Gandhis family sent him to England in 1888 to study law. There, he became interested in the philosophy of nonviolence, as expressed in the Bhagavad-Gita, Hindu sacred scripture, and in Jesus Christs Sermon on the Mount in the Christian Bible. He returned to India in 1891, having passed the bar, but found little success in his attempts to practice law. Seeking a change of scenery, he accepted a position in South Africa for a year, where he assisted on a lawsuit. In South Africa, he became involved in efforts to end discrimination against the Indian minority there, which were oppressed both by the British and by the Boers, descendants of the original Dutch settlers of the region. Having intended to stay a year, he ended up remaining until 1914 (his wife and children had joined him, meanwhile, in 1896). He founded the Natal Indian Congress, which worked to further Indian interests, and commanded an Indian medical corps that fought on the British side in the Boer War (1899-1901), in which the British conquered the last independent Boer republics. After the war, Gandhis reputation as a leader grew. He became even more adamant in his personal principles, practicing sexual abstinence, renouncing modern technology, and developing satyagraha-literally, soul- force. Satyagraha was a method of non-violent resistance, often called non-cooperation, that he and his allies used to great effect against the white governments in South Africa. Their willingness to endure punishment and jail earned the admiration of people in Gandhis native India, and eventually won concessions from the Boer and British rulers. By 1914, when Gandhi left South Africa and returned to India, he was known as a holy man: people called him a Mahatma, or great soul. At this point, he was still loyal to the British Empire, but when the British cracked down on Indian civil liberties after World War I, Gandhi began to organize nonviolent protests. The Amritsar Massacre, in which British troops gunned down peaceful Indian protestors, convinced Gandhi and India of the need for self-rule, and in the early 20s Gandhi organized large-scale campaigns of non-cooperation that paralyzed the subcontinents administration-and led to his imprisonment, from 1922 to 1924. After his release, he withdrew from politics for a time, preferring to travel India, working among the peasantry. But in 1930, he wrote the Declaration of Independence of India, and then led the Salt March in protest against the British monopoly on salt. This touched off acts of civil disobedience across India, and the British were forced to invite Gandhi to London for a Round-Table Conference. Although Gandhi received a warm welcome in England, the Conference foundered on the issue of how an independent India would deal with its Muslim minority, and Gandhi withdrew from public life again. But independence could not be long delayed. The Government of India Act (1935) surrendered significant amounts of power to Indians, and the Indian National Congress clamored for more. When World War II broke out, India erupted into violence, and many nationalist leaders, including Gandhi, went to prison. After the war, the new British government wanted to get India off its hands quickly. But Muhammed Ali Jinnah, the head of the Muslim League, demanded that a separate state be created for Indias Muslims, and to Gandhis great distress, the Congress leaders and the harried British agreed. August of 1947 saw Indias attainment of independence-as well as its partition into two countries, India and Pakistan. However, neither measure served to solve Indias problems, nor the country immediately fe ll apart: Hindus and Muslims killed each other in alarming numbers while refugees fled toward the borders. Heartbroken, Gandhi tried to calm the country, but to no avail. He was assassinated by a Hindu nationalist in Delhi on January 30, 1948, and India mourned the loss of its greatest hero. Gandhis leadership style is being termed as follower-centric and that took into account existing conditions before determining the strategy. Gandhi advocated having leadership styles that were dependent on the circumstances. When Gandhi was in South Africa, he launched his protests in a suit and a tie. But when he came back to India, he thought of khadi and launched non-violent protests on a greater scale; it shows that Gandhijis leadership style was situational leadership style. ( What is Leadership? Harry S. Truman, (2003) describes leadership as the ability to get men to do what they dont like to do and like it. John Gardner, (2003) describes leadership as the process of persuasion or example by which an individual (or a leadership team) induces a group to pursue objectives held by the leader or shared by the leader and his or her followers. The reciprocal process of mobilizing, by persons with certain motives and values, various economic, political and other resources, in a context of competition and conflict, in order to realize goals independently or mutually held by both leaders and followers. (James McGregor Burns, 2003). What is Situational Leadership? Hersey and Blanchard (1988) developed a particular form of contingency theory which has become well known as situational leadership. Making the point that the appropriateness of a leadership style is a function of the situation, they focused attention on subordinate maturity as a contingent variable, by which they meant the ability and willingness of a subordinate to work without direction. Where subordinate maturity is high, a relationship-oriented style is appropriate, but where maturity is lacking a more task-oriented style will prove more effective. Situational leadership theory is one of the type of leadership theory, leadership model and leadership style that believes that different leadership style suit different situations. That is as per the situation, you should apply leadership style. Situational leadership theory assumes that the best action to be taken by a leader depends on the situation. As the situation changes, you (leader) should also quickly change the leadership style. Depending on the situation, you (leader) should adopt leadership style. A situational leadership model is also associated with situational leadership theory. The basic idea of this model is that leadership flexibility is necessary for effective leadership. It also believes that different leadership approaches are required for different situations. This model defines four leadership styles. These styles are based on how much guidance or direction the leader can give to his or her followers. Situational Leadership Model : ( The above situational leadership model is applied on the Mahatma Gandhi in order to prove that he was a situational leader. In the following passages different action, reactions and incident from the life of the Gandhi are chosen that proves him a situational leader. Leadership developed by Robert House (1971) which defines that leaders make a clear and easy path for their followers and to fulfill the goals encourage and supports them to take it. The leaders clarify the path for followers and remove the roadblocks that might stop them from attaining the goal. For laying the path for followers a leader can follow any of the given leadership behavior. First the directive leader in which the leader lets the follower know what is expected of them, schedules work to be done and give specific guidance as to how to accomplish task. When Mahatma Gandhi called up all the community who were not being treated equally and made a speech to them asking all the non Europeans to burn their passes which showed their symbol of status. By doing so he was asking government for the right to claim them as equal citizens of the empire. We can see that he was making sure the followers know what is expected from them and he gave specific guidance what and how it would be accomplished. And for scheduling he made sure there is enough public gathered so he asks his wife to encourage some female along with her. The second kind of behavior is coaching leader who tries to promote good friendly relation within the group and shows concern for the welfare of the followers. In this way during Salt march from Ahmadabad to Dandi, Gandhi had gone there quietly; it would just not have made an impact. He knew he had to create an event to make an impact and so he took his followers on a march that stirred popular imagination of the time. He had a total understanding of the human psychology and used it along with his public relation skills. By doing this Gandhi coached his followers The third kind of behavior is supportive leader who tries to promote good friendly relation within the group and shows concern for the welfare of the followers. This kind of leadership depicted takes the help of followers for day-to-day decision. Decisions include processes and task allocation. The leader facilitates decisions but the final decision is taken by the follower. The Non-cooperation movement was a significant phase of the Indian struggle for freedom from British rule. This movement, which lasted from 1920 to 1922, was led by Gandhi, and supported by the Indian National Congress. It aimed to resist British occupation of India through non-violent means. Protestors would refuse to buy British goods, adopt the use of local handicrafts, picket liquor shops, and try to uphold the values of Indian honor and integrity. The Gandhian ideals of ahisma or non-violence, and his ability to rally hundreds of thousands of common citizens towards the cause of Indian independence, were fir st seen on a large scale in this movement. Gandhiji while working for independence of India used to consult other leaders like Pandit Nehru, Gokhale, Maulana Azad who were his followers as well. The last kind of leadership behaviour according to the Path-Goal theory is achievement-oriented leader where the leader sets a challenging goal both for self improvement and work. The leader shows and expects high demonstration and has faith in the capabilities of the followers to succeed.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Globalisation Affected The Design Culture Cultural Studies Essay
Globalisation Affected The Design Culture Cultural Studies Essay It has been determined that our genetics play a huge role in what we are as people in terms of our looks and personality as well as our likes and dislikes. It has also been argued that creativity is generic and thus can determine what we individually find aesthetically pleasing. Yet do our upbringing of morals and beliefs play a role in how we view the world in terms of creativity and design? In his chapter on Taste, Clay (2009:13) states that The particular culture an individual is brought up in has inescapable influence in that persons preferences. I tend to agree as I do believe our preferences when it comes to design, stem from where and how we were brought up and in correlation to this, what we were exposed to in our upbringing. However, it seems in todays fast passed technological world where we have advances in technology that ten years ago seemed impossible, that we are losing touch of what culture and heritage are. This generation of technology allows for us to interact in what I believe to be an impersonal fashion. With services through the internet such as Facebook, Twitter and Skype we can communicate globally with the click of a button, which in terms of communication has advantages, yet we seem so detached from human interaction and all that comes with it. This is an effect of globilisation, as we are connected around the world, not only through technology such as the internet, but through the ever growing and advancement of travel networks of railways that link continents and aviation links that allow for transcontinental travel. The reality of the 21st century is that one can be in a different continent within a matter of hours and can communicate throughout the world at any point of time. In term s of creative problem solving, todays connected society has advantage as we can collectively gather and share information that can be used for solutions to global problems and therefore have a global interaction that will determine changes. It is not my argument that this is bad, as we have been allowed a freedom to travel and communicate and therefore experience the world. It is however, my concern that we have been detached from our roots in terms our cultural beliefs and heritage as cross cultural and socio-economic integrations have occurred as a result. Research that has dealt with this topic in particular speaks to how cultures have integrated and mixed and some argue that this is simply a continuation of evolution, yet I feel that as a result we could lose not only cultures that have grown through the ages but the sense of belonging or as Clay (2009;13) terms an individuals status in society. It is thus my intention to determine how globalisation has affected cultures through design changes. Literature Review Preliminary research on globalisation as a general topic has identified the cause of global change and development as a result of technology development that has allowed for the expansion of communication and travel. Cultures have been integrated in the sense that we are all connected through a similar thread that is the internet, where we can share information and discover and solve problems. As a result of this, we are better educated through the extent of knowledge that has been shared through this medium and thus have a better understanding of global issued that are being solved through design. It can be said that every aspect of our lives have been designed as we are constantly looking for ways to simplify our lives, mainly through technology. However, it is through this ever-growing advancement in technology that we have made our lives and therefore our economies and to some extent of which I intent to determine, our cultures complex and thus integrated. Jarzombek and Hwangbo (Global in a not so Global World.[sa]) base their theory on globalisation through what they see as the integration of modern and tradition and how cultural relevancy has been modernised to the extent that tradition is seemingly extinct. Examples of Eastern and Asian Architecture are used here to explain how politics and global integration can determine what is built and for what purpose a building takes on, regardless of the socio-economic situation or cultural effect that will occur. Although this article shows a bias argument, it is the issue of how cultural relevance has taken the back fall to global change in power and political battles that are of a result of globalisation that is of interest as this can determine how culture in terms of design is at risk. Therefore, it can be said that our lives are designed according to these changes as Marcus. G. H (What is Design Today.2002) asks the question What is Good Design? which can lead to an infinite array of answers that are determined by the individual. It is however my interest in Marcus take on how each aspect of design, from industrial to product design, relates to each other and forms a correlation that will affect each other as a result. Archer. B.L (Design Awareness.1974) similarly discusses creativity and how design is brought about. Elements of design from corporate strategy to consumer demand and conflicting issues in design are explained in a simplified way which break down design into a logical format from creativity and ideas to how and why designs are brought into effect and the global process that either demands or supplies influence on new design. However, it is the effect on society and heritage that is discussed in a business like format, which is of interest as Archer gives perspective on the global effect of design and why consumers are a part of the change. This leads to the idea of the consumer based society whereby we show demand for new products especially in technology and as a result we are affecting what is designed and produced and how we live our lives. Clay. R.(Beautiful Thing.2009) uses examples of art and design to correlate the relationships in all forms of creativity and therefore delves into the evolution of design and how this has effect on culture. Design in relation to our personal upbringings and where we live in todays society coincides on design decisions we make and why and how the human condition has evolved and changes with technology and global issues that are being discovered and solved through design. Cultural influences are debated through examples of clichà © designs and how these design methods have influenced design today and in what direction design is taking in modern society which will further more change culture and society which serves as the underlying issue of this research. On a similar chord, while dealing with culture of a region or geographic whereby consumers can be influenced through design, symbols and signs play a role in what is attractive or desirable in design. Culture can be described as familiarity and it is that which shows difference in culture and therefore design takes inspiration from this. Saleh M. (The use of historic symbols in contemporary planning and design*. 1998) explains that The meanings in symbols can be derived from three distinct forms of interaction: first, the ascription of economic and intellectual status to an object as a result of historical discourse; second, through use of an object when mediated by the cultural sphere; and third, when exchange values are transformed to sign values, as citisens, designers or decision makers interfere with the meaning of a landmark under cultural, economic and political relations of production and therefore introduces the realm of symbolic relation between culture and design and there fore how globally this relationship has been affected, of which the intention is to determine. Significance of Research My preliminary research has indicated that this topic is relevant in correlation to what is already known and it is the intention to further my knowledge of both cultures around the world as well as design that relates to culture and heritage. I have always been interested in travel and how other people live and moving to a new country has expanded my interest as I have learnt how people in South Africa live and how different the various cultures are. Language has also been a significant as I have learnt three languages that I would consider to be beneficial to my intended travel plans, and through language I have learnt that there is culture and heritage that is connected to a language; a topic that I could incorporate into my research paper. As it is my intention to research further into the implications of globalisation in relation to cultural changes and how this has influenced or been influential on design, I see this topic to be relevant to todays society and in relation to South African design. Research Methodology Though the current literature review, the topic of interest is placed into what is already known and it is my intention to further my research through the following questions and therefore derive a chapter outline for my proposed research paper: What is globalisation? How have cultures changed? What determined these changes? How has design changed? What has determined these changes? Does globalisation determine design change? How? Does design change determine cultural change? How?
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Modern Labyrinth Essay -- Film Analysis
Film is a form of storytelling, and all stories are, in essence recycled, contemporary films must modernize a story of the past to make it accessible to modern audiences. This is the case with the film, Pan’s Labyrinth. The myth of â€Å"Theseus and the Minotaur†has been rewritten and modernized in the 2006 film, Pan’s Labyrinth. The myth â€Å"Theseus and the Minotaur†and the morals that exist within it, present a context in which it will be possible to interpret and analyze the film Pan’s Labyrinth as a modern day rewriting of the myth. In order to understand how Pan’s Labyrinth has been rewritten, it is important to first understand the original myth of â€Å"Theseus and the Minotaur†. According to Edith Hamilton’s Mythology, the story of Theseus and his quest to slay the Minotaur begins long before Theseus’s birth. â€Å"Minos, the powerful ruler of Crete, had lost his only son†¦while the young man was visiting the Athenian King†(Hamilton 211). In order to seek revenge, Minos invaded Athens and â€Å"declared that he would raze it to the ground unless every nine years the people sent him a tribute of seven maidens and seven youths†(Hamilton 212). When the victims reached Crete, they would be sacrificed to a beast that was â€Å"half bull, half human†, known as the Minotaur (Hamilton 212). The Minotaur was housed in a labyrinth where â€Å"escape was impossible†(Hamilton 212). â€Å"To this place, the young Athenians were each time taken and left to t he Minotaur†(Hamilton 212). This ritual continued until one year, Theseus, son of the Athenian king and heir to throne, offered to be one of the victims. Unbeknownst to the people, Theseus had every intention of slaying the beast. â€Å"When the young victims arrived in Crete they were paraded before the inhabitants ... ... bravely and defiantly act against authority rather than blindly remain obedient. This film shows the power of innocence over evil and the triumph of imagination over colorless servitude just as the original tale of Theseus and the Minotaur, but with a darker new interpretation. Works Cited Filmtracks Modern Soundtrack Reviews. (2007, January 05). Retrieved May 04, 2012, from Goodykoontz, B., & Jacobs, C. P. (2011). Film: From Watching to Seeing. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. Hamilton, Edith. Mythology. 1942. N.p.: Back Bay Books, 1998. Print VC. (2010, September 23). The Vigilant Citizen. Retrieved May 05, 2012, from The Esoteric Interpretation of Pan's Labyrinth:
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Asian American Stereotypes Essay -- essays research papers
Pertaining to Tracy Lai’s article titled, â€Å"Asian American Women†, Lai discusses how stereotypes dehumanize people while turning them into objects to be manipulated. Lai touches on the topic of how Asian people and cultures are stereotyped as being inferior and exotic. The problem that Lai brings to our attention is that it is a struggle to be an Asian in America due to the fact that Asians have been denied political, economic and social equality in America. Lai also brings to our attention the die hard myth that Asians have made it in America, which is far from the truth. I sense that Lai’s argument is extremely effective due to the fact that stereotypes are not only seen among Asians, they are also seen in many other cultures and genders. For instance, women for years were battling for woman’s equality to be able to vote, and today women are still battling for equality in political and economic areas. In addition, African American’s are still trying to be accepted into certain political roles throughout our society. Since Tracy Lai is a Asian in America I feel that her argument holds great validity due to the fact that Lai shared her own personal experiences. By reading Lai’s personal feelings, it allowed me to understand her beliefs to a greater extent because I was able to see where she was coming from. Certainly I agree with Lai’s views because I have noticed that Asians are depicted as being inferior. For example, if you have ever seen a movie or a television show that...
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Csr Assignment – Starbucks
| November 5, 2012| | Management 3031Y | [Ethics and Social REsponsibilities ]| Starbucks| Introduction Starbucks is one of the places to find the world’s best coffees. The first Starbucks opened over forty years ago, in Pioneer Square in downtown Seattle, Washington. The owners’ main philosophy was to provide customers with the world’s finest and richest coffee. Over time, and endeavoring this ultimate philosophy, Starbucks expanded internationally and has more than 19000 stores around the world.The management of Starbucks has managed to improve their managerial process through location of their business, higher quality and better prices of their products. Although it is an expensive coffee store, the price of their product is based on the quality they supply. However, Starbucks is fully engaged in providing everything in an ethical manner. In this article, Howard (2011) explains that the most important thing to Starbucks is â€Å"the key to that culture is the belief that people are more important than profits†(Howard, 2011).This paper will discuss the procedures put in place to ensure ethical behavior, their ethic of business and their corporate social responsibility and will focus on assessing the company’s contribution to the community. Ethical issues As stated in Alec, Gonca & Efe’s (2011) journal, â€Å"the evolution of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and the concept of Corporate Sustainability (CS) have converged resulting in a similar objective of achieving the balance between economic prosperity, social integrity and environmental responsibility†(Alec,et al. , 2011).CSR is the concept coined to describe how organizations now consider the welfare of the people by being responsible for the impact of their activities on all groups of people involved and affected by their business, (ie. their employees, customers, stakeholders). Many businesses have taken CSR very seriously that they have gone beyon d â€Å"following laws†, and do more than being â€Å"responsible†. Starbucks is one of those corporations that fully engages in providing its stakeholders, its employees, the community more than necessary, and go beyond its responsibilities.One issue that Starbucks addressed and which stakeholders were being targeted was for the latter to have access and know how the company’s commitment and passion to improve the world and the ways which are demonstrating it. For example, Starbucks is committed to the environment, whether it’s regarding recycling, reducing water usage, thinking green or lowering its energy consumption (Starbucks, 2012). However, one of the main topics of Starbucks’s corporate ethics revolves around the climate change. Addressing climate change is a priority for Starbucks†(Starbucks, 2012). Since most of Starbucks coffee crops are outside of North America, mostly in the Third-world countries, Starbucks has implemented a cli mate change since 2004, which focuses on renewable energy, energy conservation, advocacy (Starbucks, 2012). One biggest step taken by Starbucks is reducing its gas emission. They conducted an inventory of their greenhouse gas (GHG) emission in 2011, using the World Resources Institute/WBCSD Greenhouse Gas Protocol to find out where their energy is mostly consumed.More than 80 percent of their GHG emissions are attributable to energy used in stores, office, and roasting plants, they are now focused on energy conservation and purchase of renewable energy (Starbucks, 2012). Reducing emissions of tons of carbon dioxide makes a huge impact on the climate. By reusing energy in their coffee-roasting plants, or offices, Starbucks was able to reduce its GHG emissions by 2. 7% compared to their 2012 GHG emissions (Starbucks, 2012). Moreover, another issue that is important for stakeholders is to have access to all the reports, codes, ethics, social responsibilities actions endeavored by the c orporation.Starbucks has also addressed that issue, and rather than attempt to address every issue in their annual report, they simply just conducted a materiality assessment to determine what topics are of most significance to their stakeholders and to Starbucks itself and publish everything online. In a letter addressed to the stakeholders, Howard Schultz (2011) explains the reasons of creating a report with the summary of all the positive aspects to the company, as well as how the company is doing with regards to their CSR. This focus on materiality helps not only the stakeholders, but also the hareholders with regards to how effectively the company is doing. And for example, letting stakeholders have access to the their progress regarding their environmental by publishing their Global Responsibilities Goal & Progress report online, Starbucks is showing how effectively its doing. Codes of conduct Starbucks codes â€Å"Business Ethics and Compliance†and CSR are stated on t heir website, and is available to the public. They have also made the â€Å"Standards of Business Conduc†t book available, which facilitates legal compliance and ethical issues such as potential conflicts of interest (Starbucks, 2012).The main idea is that every person in the employ of Starbucks is to act ethically and report any unethical or questionable behavior by any person under the employ of Starbucks. Because everyone is equal at Starbucks, any unethical actions should be reported. They have provided the partners with communication channels, which allow them to report all type of issues or concerns (Starbucks, 2012). The communication channel is basically a webline with contact information of the Business Ethics and Compliance department (Starbucks, 2012.Starbucks Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer Howard Schultz stated (2012) â€Å"Each of us is personally responsible for supporting our core values, which require compliance with the law as well as ethica l conduct. We have issued the Standards of Business Conduct to restate our long standing commitment to uphold that responsibility and to provide guidance to our partners. †(2012). Starbucks mission statement and guiding principles are also stated on their website. Starbucks mission is â€Å"to inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time†.What this means is that Starbucks is dedicated in delivering each person a unique experience with their coffee purchase. It’s a one-on-one experience that should not only make the customers day but also the barista’s day. Being a barista or a partner at Starbucks not only means making beverages and giving them to the customers, but it also means going beyond being a simple coffee maker and providing customers with more than what they expect. For example, during my time at Starbucks, I remember that each and every customers that came left with a smile, because all of us were trained to always put the customer on a pedestal and make them happy.If one customer comes back unsatisfied with the drink, without any questions asked, we take the drink back and remake a new one with no charge. I also remember one day, during my shift, an elderly lady came to buy a coffee and a mix of granola and yogurt. She stayed at the location to drink her coffee, then to finish her yogurt. Few minutes later, she came back to us and complained about how the granola tasted different and she wasn’t satisfied/happy with it. Even though she had half of it finished, we gave her another one, free of cost and let her go with a smile on her face. As the mission states, it is about one person, one cup at a time.This also describes Starbucks principles related to customers. â€Å"When we are fully engaged, we connect with, laugh with, and uplift the lives of our customers – even if just for a few moments. Sure, it starts with the promise of a perfectly made beverage, but our work goes far beyond that. It’s really about human connection†. (2012) Starbucks also have other principles, either about their products, their shareholders, or their partners. Either way, they are dedicated in being an ethical corporation. As mentioned earlier, they have a report stating all their corporate social responsibilities and how they are doing.Here is a table of what Starbucks Mission Statement and Guiding principles are: STARBUCKS MISSION STATEMENT AND| GUIDING PRINCIPLES| To establish Starbucks as the premier purveyor of the finest| coffee in the world while maintaining our uncompromising| principles as we grow. | The following six Guiding Principles will help us measure the| appropriateness of our decisions:| †¢ Provide a great work environment and treat each| other with respect and dignity. | †¢ Embrace diversity as an essential component in the| way we do business. | †¢ Apply the highest standards of excellence to the| purchasing, roasting and fresh delivery of our coffee. †¢ Develop enthusiastically satisfied customers all of| the time. | †¢ Contribute positively to our communities and our| environment. | †¢ Recognize that profitability is essential to our| future success. | | Starbucks, by generally being omnipresent in the communities (whether doing communities work, making changes to how the business and centers operate†¦), aims to follow its principles, and encourage its partners and customers to do the same. Ethics in practice The corporation accounts for its ethical and social responsibilities, by either being involved in communities through different ways, or helping the society in general.As stated on their website, they make a difference in the society, in the environment, at the workplace, in the products†¦ â€Å"A good example of a corporate culture which focuses on quality and ethics is Starbucks. Starbucks has won a number of ethics awards and has been recognized as a role model of social responsibility. †(Academic journal 2010). This sentence summarizes what stakeholders and public think about Starbucks. Indeed, the corporation has made huge differences in the community by doing small gestures, but gestures that matter. As stated in their website, they â€Å"support farmers and their communities†.For example, they have established Farmer Support Centers in Costa Rica and Rwanda to provide local farmers with the resources and expertise that help lower the cost of production, reduce fungus infections, improve coffee quality and increase the yield of premium coffees (Starbucks, 2012). They have also set up something called the Starbucks Farmer Loan program. It aims to provide financial resources to cooperatives to fulfill their cash flow needs during harvest time, and to make infrastructure investments that result in better competitiveness (Starbucks, 2012). Their goal is to dispurse U.S $20 million to this program by 2015. Another exa mple in respective to their ethical practice is regarding their kids cups. They recalled over 250,000 children's plastic cups in the U. S. and Canada. â€Å"According to the report, once the cup is dropped, the colorful face on the cup can break off and leave small parts or sharp edges that can pose a choking or laceration hazard to young children†(2008). Also, by coming to the new communities, such as in the U,S where its experiencing a job crisis, Starbucks provides employment, as the only thing you need is a smile and willingness to provide excellent customer experience. The company first priority is taking care of the employees in its retail stores who communicate with and serve customers. Starbucks executives believe that by taking care of these employees, the company can provide long-term value to shareholders (Schultz ; Yang 1997). Trust is vital to all organizations and it expected that ethical leaders demonstrate behavioral consistency between words and actions; tre at all employees fairly without violating human rights. †(2011). Starbucks has teamed up with the Opportunity Finance Network (OPN) to create new jobs for Americans. TransparencyAt Starbucks, transparency is important thus they have published their CSR report as part of their broader communications efforts to provide transparency on their activities and performance. This initiative not only makes their stakeholders happy but also provides everyone else, either its customers or employees, with what Starbucks is doing to be a socially and environmentally responsible company. This transparency should be the priority in all successful organizations has us customers need to know what is the company, that is technically part of our daily routine, doing for us.A clear apercu of their goals, mission statement and principles is necessary, because communities need to support only corporations that care and value ethics and social responsibility. But as mentioned, Starbucks is in all wa ys clear about their ethics, and as nothing is a mystery, they have published everything online. Overall assessment Starbucks is focused on being a fully ethical and a very philanthropic corporation. All their ethics, values, match Carrol’s definition of a Corporate Social Responsible corporation.As per Carrol, the social responsibility of business encompasses the economic, legal, ethical and discretionary expectations that a society has of organizations at a given point in time (Michael Hopkins, p. 2. 2011). Although, like all other corporations, making profit is the most important, Starbucks doesn’t forget that it started as a small business that eventually and slowly expanded. Starbucks participates in many environmental and social programs around the world. The corporation is focused in providing communities with all types of benefits, such as jobs, good quality of coffee, good working conditions, improving its energy consumption.In general, the company is progress ing towards better system and practices. For example, according to the published metrics on the environmental responsibility, the company has been able to reduce its energy consumption by 7. 5% in 2008-2011, purchased the equivalent of more than 50% of electricity used in their global company-owned stores worldwide in 2011, and decreased its water consumption by more than 17% since 2008. Starbucks’ goal by 2015 is to decrease water consumption by 25%, purchase renewable energy equivalent to 100% of the electricity used in their company-owned stores and reduce energy consumption by 25%.Conclusion We have studied about corporate responsibility, companies’ omnipresence in communities, in society and in our day-to-day routine. We have also studied how a company’s values and ethical decisions can make a significant difference in the way we perceive it. Applying what we learnt from class, Starbucks is implicitly ethical and follows all the norms and values of a social ethical company. Thought, a company is made of employees, it is very important to provide those employees with the company’s core values and explain them what it really means to work at that company.In Starbucks’s case, partners are all participating in making the company an ethical and socially responsible corporation. References Katrinli, A. , Gunay, G. , Mehmet E. (2011). The Convergence of Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Sustainability: Starbucks Corporation's Practices. Cambridge: The Business Review. Moronke, S. (2012). Impact of Ethical Leadership on Employee Job Performance. Journal of Business and Social Science. Schultz, H. (2010). It's Not About the Coffee: Leadership Principles From a Life at Starbucks.Journal for Quality ; Participation;Vol. 33 Issue 1, p20, 1/3p. Academic journal. Starbucks. Retrieved from http://assets. starbucks. com/assets/4dd6216d0fd0400f8689eceba0497e04. pdf http://www. starbucks. com/about-us Starbucks Recall Mugs. In jury Prevention; Feb2008, Vol. 14 Issue 1, p70-70, 1/9p. article Ethics and Compliance Webline. Retrieved from https://businessconduct. eawebline. com/ Hopkins, M. (2011). Definition of Corporate Social Responsibility. MHC International. P. 2. article. Retrieved from http://mhcinternational. com/articles/definition-of-csr
Monday, September 16, 2019
Matter and its Properties Essay
The fundamental building blocks of matter are atoms and molecules. These make up elements and compounds. An atom is the smallest unit of an element that maintains the properties of that element. And element is a pure substance made of only one kind of atom. A compound is the substance that is made from the atoms of two or more elements that are chemically bonded. Water is an example of a compound because it is one of many compounds that consist of molecules. The hydrogen and oxygen molecules are chemically bonded to form a water molecule. Properties and Changes in Matter Every substance, whether an element or compound, has characteristic properties. Chemists use these properties to distinguish different substances and then use their knowledge of characteristics to separate them. A property may be a characteristic that defines an entire group of substances. That property can be used to classify an unknown substance within that group. For example, are large groups of elements is metals. The property that sets than apart from anything else is that they conduct electricity well. Therefore, if scientists find an unknown element, and test it for electricity conduction, and it turns out to conduct electricity well, it is, in fact, a metal. Properties also define subgroups or substances. And can also help to reveal the identity of an unknown substance. However, identification usually cannot be made based on only one property. Comparisons of several properties can be used to determine the identity of an unknown. Properties are either intensive or extensive. An extensive property depends on the amount of matter that is present. These properties include volume, mass, and the amount of energy in a said substance. Intensive properties, however, do not depend on the amount of matter present. These properties include the melting point, boiling point, density, and ability to conduct electricity and heat. Regardless of how much of a substance is present, these properties will always be the same. Chemical and Physical Properties and Changes Physical Properties and Physical Changes A physical property is a characteristic that can be measured or observed without changing the identity of the substance. Physical properties describe the substance itself. Examples of these properties are properties such as melting point and boiling point. A change in a substance that does not involve a change in the identity of the substance is called a physical change. Examples of physical changes include grinding, gutting, melting, and boiling a substance or material. These changes do not change the physical identity of a property. For example: If you rip a paper in half, does that change the identity of the two torn parts? The answer is no, it is still a paper, just smaller and ripped. If you bend a paper clip, is it still a paper clip? Yes. Melting point and boiling point are part of an important classification of physical changes called change of state. A change of state is a physical change of a substance from on state to another. The three common states of matter are solid, liquid, and gas. Matter in the solid shape has a definite volume and definite shape. Matter in the liquid state has a definite value, but not a definite shape-a liquid can be molded or formed into many different shapes. Matter in the gas state has neither definite volume nor definite shape. Chemical Properties and Chemical Changes Physical properties can be observed without changing the identity of the substance, but chemical properties cannot. A chemical property relates to a substance’s ability to undergo changes that transform it into different substances. Chemical properties are easiest to see when substances react to form (a) new substance(s). For example, when charcoal burns, it combines with oxygen in air to become a new substance, carbon dioxide gas. After this chemical change, the original substances of the charcoal, carbon and oxygen, are no longer present. Another example is the ability of iron to rust by combining with oxygen in the air (moisture). A change in which one or more substances are converted into different substances is called a chemical change or reaction. The substances that react in a chemical change are called the reactants. The substances formed by the chemical change are called the products. By burning charcoal, carbon and oxygen are the reactants in a combustion, or burning reaction. Carbon dioxide is the product. Chemical changes and reactions, such as combustion and decomposition, form products whose properties differ greatly from those of the reactants. Chemical changes, however, do not affect the total amount of matter present before and after a reaction. The amount of matter, and total mass, remain the same.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
My Beautiful Mind Essay
Living with Schizophrenia â€Å"The mind is indeed a beautiful thing. It is the reason for our ingenuity, artistic originality and maybe even our humanity. What happens however when the mind works against us? When it tricks us into believing that what is not real to be the actual, destroying our sense of being? †(Angelo) We see this played out firsthand in the life of John Forbes Nash Jr. in â€Å"A Beautiful Mind. †The film was directed by Ron Howard and starred Russell Crowe, who plays John Nash, Paul Bettany, who plays Nash’s imaginary friend Charles, and Jennifer Connelly, who plays Nash’s wife Alicia. The movie â€Å"won four Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best Director, Best Adapted Screenplay, and Best Supporting Actress. It was also nominated for Best Leading Actor, Best Editing, Best Makeup, and Best Scoreâ€Å" (A Beautiful Mind). â€Å"A Beautiful Mind†â€Å"presents itself as a biography of the flesh-and-blood John Nash. And in fact, it is really only a flashy, sentimental Hollywood movie, inspired by a few particular details of the John Nash story. (Overstreet) This review is accurate in this description, director Ron Howard delivers a brilliant master peace but it is not all fact. For instance, John Nash never had visual hallucinations and he divorced his wife and later remarried. Though it is not an accurate representation, John Forbes Nash, Jr. did suffer from schizophrenia. John Forbes Nash, Jr. , or John Nash as he is referred to in the movie, was born June 13, 1928 in Bluefield, West Virginia where he was raised. Nash took classes from Bluefield C ollege while still attending Bluefield High School. After graduating from high school in 1945, he enrolled at the Carnegie Institute of Technology (now Carnegie Mellon University) in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on a Westinghouse scholarship, where he studied chemical engineering and chemistry before switching to mathematics. He received both his bachelor's degree and his master's degree in 1948 while at Carnegie Tech. †(John Forbes Nash, Jr. ). The film begins as Nash is attending Princeton University for his postgraduate work in mathematics and writes his thesis on non-cooperative games which he later receives the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences. In the movie Nash gets a job at Massachusetts Institution of Technology after graduating from Princeton. It is at MIT where Nash meets his future wife, Alicia, and falls in love with her and she remains his faithful mate even through his maddening episodes of schizophrenia. The film differs from reality in many instances, his love life being one of them. In reality Nash had a trivial relationship with a nurse by the name of Eleanor Stier, they had a son together and named him John David Stier. After the child was born Nash abandoned both of them and went through a homosexual stage, in the mid-1950s he was â€Å"arrested in a Santa Monica restroom on a morals charge related to a homosexual encounter†(John Forbes Nash, Jr. ). This was said to have caused him to lose his job at MIT and caused him to want to get married. Only now is Alicia brought into the picture, a student of his at MIT from El Salvador. John Forbes Nash, Jr. and Alicia Lopez-Harrison de Larde get married in 1957 and two years later Alicia admits John Nash to the mental hospital. In the movie he is tackled by two men and a third, Dr. Rosen, administers a sedative and they haul Nash away in their car, all while students and teachers are watching. Schizophrenia is described as being a â€Å"mental disorder characterized by abnormalities in the perception or expression of reality. †(Schizophrenia) Normally it occurs in young adulthood and manifests itself in auditory hallucinations paranoid or bizarre delusions, or disorganized speech and thinking, while visual hallucinations are possible they are extremely rare and John Nash Jr. said that he only had auditory hallucinations. The visual manifestations in the movie were only to intrigue the audience and to clarify the sincerity and the reality of the disease. Schizophrenia is a very rare disease, affecting half of one percent of the population of the world and scientists and doctors know little more about it presently than when John Nash was diagnosed. While knowledge of schizophrenia is scarce people have found some useful treatments such as Insulin Shock Therapy and certain medications such as Typical Antipsychotic and the newer Atypical Antipsychotic, we see John Nash undergo the Insulin Shock Therapy in the late 1950s and the early 1960s. Insulin Shock Therapy however has been replaced by newer and more effective medications. The Typical Antipsychotics are the pink pills that Nash takes after his hospitalization. He says these medications make it hard for him to focus and he cannot respond to his wife so he stops taking them. This only causes further pain when Nash’s hallucinations all come back. Nash eventually learns how to cope with these hallucinations and just ignores them. In conclusion, the movie â€Å"A Beautiful Mind†is a very inspirational film that fills the audience with we and intrigue as they watch Nash learn to live with schizophrenia and attempt to remain a viable part of society. John Forbes Nash Jr. has influenced economics, mathematics, and physics, he taught at two major universities, he got married, he won the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, and he showed millions that it is possible to do all these things while living with schizophrenia. Works Cited Angelo. â€Å"Beauti ful Mind, A (2001)†MovieFreak. com – The Film Palace. 13 January 2010. Web. 04 March 2010. Overstreet, Jeffrey. A Beautiful Mind (2001)†Rotten Tomatoes. Flixter, Inc. 12 May 2004. Web. 04 March 2010. http://www. rottentomatoes. com/m/beautiful_mind/ â€Å"A Beautiful Mind (Film)†Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. 04 March 2010. Web. 04 March 2010. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/A_Beautiful_Mind_(film) â€Å"John Forbes Nash, Jr. †Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. 04 March 2010. Web. 04 March 2010. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/John_Forbes_Nash,_Jr â€Å"Schizophrenia†Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. 01 March 2010. Web. 04 March 2010. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Schizophrenia
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Bachelor of Arts Essay
1.1 FedEx Corporation Overview FedEx Corporation provides customers and businesses worldwide with a broad portfolio of transportation, e-commerce and business services. With annual revenue of US$ 27 billion, the company offers integrated business application through operating companies competing collectively and managed collaboratively, under the respected FedEx brand. Consistently ranked among the world’s most admired and trusted employers, FedEx inspires its more than 250,000 employees and contractors to remain â€Å"absolutely, positively†focused on safety, the highest ethical and professional standards and the needs of their customers and communities. 1.2 Strategic Initiatives Currently, with its exposure to volatile fuel prices, high capital expenditures, and thin margins, FedEx can not stand up to the rigorous rule maker quantitative criteria, but its brand power is a perfect example of a sustainable competitive advantage. FedEx ships over 3 million packages a day. Along the route, those packages, the planes that carry them, the trucks that deliver them, and the people that handle them leave impressions on customers. FedEx recognizes that with every box it delivers and every person that delivers it, a brand impression is made. Brand equity is certainly significant to FedEx since its products and services are less differentiated in this fast changing dynamic competitive market. To remake the corporate image in order to extend and enhance its brand equity is one of the key strategic initiatives that has initiated by the management of FedEx Corporation recently. Other strategic initiatives are to focus on the growth of core package business and supply chain capabilities, and growth through e-commerce and technology, and new services and alliances. 2. DESIGN OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 2.1 HRMS of FedEx FedEx Human Resources develop policies, programs and procedures that not only attract, but also retain the most qualified, talented and diverse employees. To this end, Human Resources have implemented successful recruitment, development and Employee relation programs. The Corporate HR function consists of 45 employees who provide human resources support for the entire FedEx Organization. The overall headcount for this team has not changed in over four years even though the employee base has grown by greater than 30%. Most key programs are linked to the company’s diversity strategy to build value and manage a diverse workforce that reflects the rich mix of persons available in the Communities. The HR team regularly attends diversity recruiting career fairs and supports both local and national organizations committed to the development of women and minorities. HR has sought to automate and introduce electronic processes, in order to streamline its various staff function. These include the introduction of an electronic company wide web based Internal Career Opportunities Program (ICOP), that provides employees anytime/anywhere access to available opportunities within the company. Employees can search, apply and be notified of open positions within the organization by logging on to the site. Managers, can also initiate the employment process and receive approval electronically via an on-line employment requisitioning process. The major obstacle that needed to be addressed in the alignment of these two major programs was accessibility, communication and education. Employees were encouraged to submit their personal profiles so that they could receive automatic notifications from the system when positions for which they qualified became available. FedEx has developed a proactive staffing model for its facilities. This program allows the Field organization to add management staffing before the need exists. Recruiting, sourcing and training are done 20 weeks before the individual is expected to begin their career as a service manager. By accessing the HR website, both employees and Managers can obtain a wide variety of information geared to keep their employment information current, provide easy access to employment information (employee handbook) as well as provide access to benefits information and employee centered programs. Online access to the HR Web is available from home and work to all employees. 2.2 VRIO Framework Analysis Value FedEx managers stress that they are a â€Å"people-first†organization. The corporate philosophy statement sums up their view of the source of competitive advantage: â€Å"People-Service-Profit. FedEx discovered a long time ago that customer satisfaction really begins with employee satisfaction. In other words, the FedEx philosophy is that people are the primary link in the value chain, and thus, value is created by focusing on employees first. Rareness FedEx value and capitalize on the differences of their employees with diversity education programs such as Gender Speak, Delivering Diversity, Introducing Diversity, and Valuing Differences. One of its most successful programs RESPECT provides a process where employees can work together to resolve their differences. Therefore, it would exercise tremendous potential to exploit the rare characteristics of its employees for competitive advantage. Imitability FedEx worked closely with the University of Memphis, established the FedEx Institute of Technology, a unique public-private collaboration designed to advance world-class interdisciplinary research and introduce a new generation of highly skilled graduates to the workforce. The company has more than 219,000 employees globally and expects the alliance will help develop a highly skilled recruitment pool. Organization FedEx is committed to fostering an employee focused culture. It has a well-developed and thoroughly deployed management evaluation system, which involves a survey of employees, analysis of each work group’s results by the work group’s manager, and a discussion between the manager and the work group to develop written action plans for the manager to improve and become more effective. Data processed are aggregated at all levels of the organization for use in policymaking. Employees are free to share their opinions with management and in turn, work towards the resolution of internal issues within their department by participating on their action planning teams. 3. EMPLOYEE SKILL, MOTIVATION, JOB DESIGN & WORK STRUCTURES FedEx has a clear goal to have people who are committed, motivated and well trained. Here are some of the tools and techniques that they have developed: 3.1 Selection FedEx Corp is proactive targeting of candidate sources leads to a richer pool of applicants and enables company to reach better candidates faster. They worked closely with the University of Memphis, established the FedEx Institute of Technology, a unique public-private collaboration designed to advance world-class interdisciplinary research and introduce a new generation of highly skilled graduates to the workforce. FedEx had created a multi-national, multi-lingual recruitment assessment system in identifying candidates most suited to the jobs on offer and capable of operating to the company’s global standards and values. 3.2 FedEx Compensation & Rewarding System FedEx’s bonus program is driven by goal sharing. This program encourages employees to achieve strategic goals by basing individual bonus levels on corporate and business unit goals, up to 10% of an employee’s total compensation. FedEx’s formula for calculating bonuses includes corporate variables such as contributed operating margin, corporate ROE, net sales, customer returns, shipped kilometers and total unit cost. Putting people first means that FedEx is dynamic in both reward and recognition. For hourly paid staff the pay is geared to individual performance. However, to encourage good team working, there is also a team based ‘Best Practice Pays’ element. The pay for performance of salaried staff is based upon measures relating to the company’s key philosophy. 3.3 Performance Reviews FedEx is a very performance-based company. Every person knows upfront what his performance objectives are and he also knows upfront what he can earn. So the crux of People Service People is a fairly laborious performance management and compensation system. If a person fails in his performance, then the person does not get disciplined, but he gets pulled into a constructive action plan. Employees are encouraged to identify their weaknesses through a personal development programme (PDP). These could be general things like communication skills or dealing with conflicts in the workplace. FedEx has an online training library with 600 courses on things like leadership, project management skills, even something as basic as presentation skills. Employees can log in and take any course, but need to pass. 3.4 Staff Survey The annual staff survey is considered to be one of FedEx’s biggest business improvement tools. A total of 32 questions are answered electronically in business time over a period of two weeks and participation has increased from 97% to 98%. 4. PRODUCTIVITY, CREATIVITY & DISCRETIONARY EFFORT By competing collectively under the FedEx banner, FedEx in service companies benefit from one of the world’s most documented brands. FedEx is one of the most trusted and a respected brand in the world and its brand name is a powerful sales and marketing tool. Among the many reputation awards FedEx conventional during 2004, FedEx ranked seventh in â€Å"corporate reputation†on The Wall Street Journal’s Harris Interactive/Reputation Institute RQ Gold Survey, and for the third consecutive year, FedEx ranked in the top ten of FORTUNE magazine’s â€Å"America’s Most Admired Companies†and â€Å"World’s Most Admired Companies†lists. FedEx is the only transportation company and one of the very few companies overall to rank this highly in all three reputation surveys. FedEx ranked highest in customer satisfaction in the University of Michigan Business School National Quality Research Center’s American Customer Satisfaction Index in the parcel delivery category. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., the world’s largest retailer, also selected FedEx as the recipient of its â€Å"Carrier of the Year†award. BusinessWeek recognized FedEx Kinko’s in the magazine’s â€Å"Web Smart 50†report for the company’s innovative use of Internet technology to transform business processes and reduce costs. FedEx is well recognized as a leader, not only in the transportation industry and technological innovation, but also in social and environmental responsibility and corporate governance. Along with a strong reputation among customers and the general public, FedEx is widely acknowledged as a great place to work. In 2004, FedEx was listed among FORTUNE’s â€Å"100 Best Companies to Work for in America,†a list that FedEx have made every year it has been published. It is FedEx people-FedEx greatest asset-that give FedEx it strong reputation. In addition to superior physical and information networks, FedEx has an exemplary human network, with more than 240,000 employees and contractors who are â€Å"absolutely, positively†focused on safety, the highest ethical and professional standards and the needs of their customers and communities. Through FedEx internal Purple Promise and Humanitarian Award programs, FedEx recognize and reward employees who enhance customer service and promote human welfare. 5. IMPROVED OPERATING PERFORMANCE As discussed previously, new strategic role for HRM is very significant for the organization’s advancement. System thinking among the line and HR manger is the first step. The performance management and incentive compensation system must define desire employee behavior and reward those behaviors in meaningful way when goals are achieved. Almost 50% of all FedEx spending goes to employee pay and benefits. Many Special Awards to recognize employees’ performance: i) Bravo Zulu – award for outstanding performance beyond normal job expectations. ii) Golden Falcon – award for exceptional customer service. iii) Humanitarian Award – recognition for human welfare above and beyond work or community standards. iv) Star/Superstar Award – a lump sum merit based award for top performers. v) Five Star Awards – the highest award for enhancing service, profitability and the spirit of teamwork. Deadly combination and powerful connection are terms to describe the effects of an organization policy of promotion from within on firm performance. But probably not be present in every firm or even most of firms. So the only way that the organization can hope to identify the HR system properly is to adopt system perspective, which means business priorities drive the development of the HRM system. 6. PROFITS AND GROWTH Base on the FedEx second quarter’s Fiscal 2005 financial report (six months ended November 2004), it shows that FedEx has adapted an effective and efficient HRM system, which has brought up the corporation’s profit and growth. This is evidential by the following financial analysis:- i) Revenue There is a 23% Revenue growth compare to the last 2nd quarter fiscal year 2004. The revenue has increased from US$11,607 billion to US$14,309 billions in this 2nd quarter fiscal year 2005. FedEx announced that they would expect to have Group Revenue of US$ 27 billions this fiscal year 2005, which is a 9.5% growth. ii) Salary & Employee benefits Cost However, in term of Human Resources cost, we can see from the report that it is only an increase of 14%. Compare to 23% increase in revenue. The increase is justifiable. iii) Net Profit FedEx has shown a 212% increase in the Net Income this fiscal year compare with last 2nd quarter, from US$219 millions to US$684 millions, despite the roaring up of oil price, which is also one of the major operating cost, in this year. Their profit result is definitely considered outstanding. iv) Diluted Earning Per Share Obviously, with the high increase of the net income, the diluted earning per share is automatically increase by 210% compare to last 2nd quarter. It is definitely a kind of the positive effect of the HR- Stakeholders value relationship. v) Revenue generated per Employee Based on the US$27 billions Group Revenue generated by the total 250,000 number of employees in FedEx, we will be able to see that the revenue per employee generated is nearly US$108,000. Which is much higher than the world largest package delivery company – UPS, who has an annual turnover of US$30 billions and 370,000 employees worldwide, and the revenue generated per employee is only US$81,081. The productivity is much better. This has shown the efficiency and effectiveness of the HRM system. 7. MARKET VALUE From the study of FedEx Corp’s HRM system, it is undoubtedly that its HRM has strategically adopted high performance work system that creates real shareholder value. Such system has strengthened FedEx HR to become a strategic core competency and have an economically significant effect on firm performance. This also generates the transformation from HRM to human capital management and hence becomes to be a competitive advantage. The consistent increased profits and growth as shown in the company’s financial reports has also proved that FedEx HRM has created value and played an important role in the company’s achievement and success. FedEx shareholder market value has increased continuously as shown clearly in its financial statements. However, company’s HR market value has never been officially computed and shown in the financial statements. Based on the company productivity, FedEx’s each employee generates revenue of approximately US$108,000 quarterly, which is much higher than the world largest package delivery company – UPS, whose per employee generates revenue of only about US$81,081 quarterly. 8. CONCLUSION For FedEx, timing is everything. Delivery on time is essential, and within FedEx, ensuring this performance every time, has meant the transition to systems that provide online, real-time connectivity, bringing improved business processes and increased productivity. With unrivalled logistics solutions, FedEx turned to its Human Resources function, to leverage its competitive advantage. In such a geographically diverse and disparate region, FedEx strives to manage its human capital by minimizing administrative burden and creating a culture of effective self-management. With employees spread across the Region, and in line with its organization’s move to an Internet-centric company, FedEx was continuously looking for ways to empower its employees, and allow them to take control of some of their HR functions. Leveraging on PeopleSoft HRMS solution to effectively manage their human capital, it provided FedEx with the scalability and functionality they needed, to enable FedEx to move towards becoming a Real-Time Enterprise. FedEx employees were fully utilizing their self-service functions, and their HR staffs are now free to deliver a more strategic output to the business. They have increased the visibility of HR information to more effectively manage the enterprise’s most valuable resource – human capital. APPENDIX A: BIBLIOGRAPHY Relevant Reference Sites: * * * * * * * * *–ID__10552–/free-co-factsheet.xhtml * * * * * Evaluation of the Stakeholder Value Relationship Model Assignment BA361 – Human Resource Management Page 2 of 12
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